Day: November 16, 2022

I thought spinach was good for you…

It was a wonderful day at my friend’s house.  After several years, they were finally going to welcome a baby into the world.  They were excited but also nervous about the new responsibilities they had.  They asked me about something they had read in a book about not giving spinach to their child and why…
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GC-FID App Note – Analysis of Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons

Download app note here: miniGC App Note: Analysis of Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons

The frustration of gas cylinders for gas chromatography…

Do you have a Helium tank? What about a compressed air tank?  No, not house air, a compressed air tank? What about a Hydrogen tank? Do they all still have gas in them?  Have you checked recently? Are they being stored safely and correctly? Did you make sure the EHS folks have the correct brackets…
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